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P3D / FSX / FS2004 / FS9

P3Dv6 logo
FSX logo
FS2004 FS9

Please note:

*Configuration guidance provided is for Windows Operating Systems. Mac OS X testing in process.

*It is recommended to set your desktop background to solid black since your HUD monitor becomes

an extension of your desktop area. Not all HUD images fill the HUD's internal monitor screen completely

and desktop background images & colors will be visible around exported HUD images.

1. Select any aircraft with a heads up display and switch view to 'HUD only view' (F10).

2. Using your mouse, right-click on the HUD's image and select 'Undock Window'.

P3D or FSX step1

3. Resize the HUD window by left-clicking and dragging any one of its corners.

4. Left-click and drag the HUD window's title bar to move it to your DT1, SC1 or SC2-6 monitor screen area.

Undock P3D or FSX HUD

5. Using the same methods described in Steps 3 & 4, resize and move the HUD window until it is positioned correctly on your HUD's screen. Things to consider are:

  • Align the HUD's horizon line with the sim's horizon.

  • Get in the air and make banking turns. The horizons should line up. HUD window width, height and/or size adjustments will allow for proper alignment.

  • Field of View adjustments in the simulation combined with resizing the HUD window allows you to produce the best results.

6. Save your flight! Your simulation will remember the HUD's size and position. You can recall the flight at any time without readjusting.


DT1 with P3D or FSX

7. A more advanced option is to adjust the aircraft's Panel.cfg file (1st create a backup of your original). The HUD's pixel size and position within its window can be adjusted/set. In the example shown here for an F/A-18, [Window00] is for the HUD panel. There are 4 values (shown in the red) which are X position, Y position, X size and Y size. Positions are from the left and top of the panel's window. Adjust these 4 values and reload the flight to view your new settings.

Edit P3D or FSX panel
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